Tara came back from school late, mum was so worried. Everyone loved Tara she was a nice girl she cooked, clean and even wash the dirty clothes without been told. Tara was in primary five and was about to take her common entrance. Mum was so worried not because she was going to a boarding school, but because long before we existed there use to be a myth more like a family curse that anyone who has attained the age of twelve would become useless. Most of our relatives where useless so mum feared that a great destiny like Tara’s would be destroyed. Mum visited all the prayer houses she was still trying to solve my issue of bieng unmarried at the age of 30. Tara joined St. Margret comprehensive secondary school. She continued in her good ways and wished she was given enough foodstuff to go home with . Deep down her heart she wanted to eliminate the challenges our family was going through. One faithful day tara decided to discuss the issue with her friend, Nneka. Nneka and Tara where very good friends right from nursery School has fate would have it they gained admission into the same secondary school . Nneka told her that she had a solutions. They went to see baba that evening, every where was so cold .
After incantations Tara stated her wish but she never knew the price she would pay would cost her a treasure her life.
“no going back, you’ve already struck a covenant with agbala”, he said.
Tara thought about it for a long time and decided to be the sacrificial lamb if that was the price she would pay. Maybe that was what she was destined to become her family’s Redeemer. She went back to baba and told him she would die for her family and they should carry on with the sacrifice. That was how we became free from the curse.
#100Days ProseFiction WritingChallenge