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#Day 29


It was already break time but Mrs Amaka the class teacher of Jss3a asked them to wait behind. She noticed Ada was depressed She planned on using story telling to get her to talk. “My lovely pupils, I know you wondering why I asked you people not to go out and play. Nevertheless you can bring out your lunch and eat story story ”.
“Story”, they all chorused.
There lived a beautiful lady in the kingdom of Kogi, her name was Oge. She was so humble, respectful and caring. Everyone loved her in the community. Oge passed her common entrance and gained addmision into Aguleri Girls secondary school. She continued in her good ways untill she met Sandra her roommate in Jss2. Sandra was a lesbian and she got attracted to oge, she decided that she would like oge to sleep with her. Oge resisted the temptation till she entered Jss3, she didn’t want to report Sandra because she was scared that Sandra would be expelled. Before their mock exams, Sandra convinced Oge to follow to her uncle’s house that he wanted to see her.
“Let me inform my house mistress”, said oge.
“you don’t need to if not she would seize the goodies we get”.
Oge's mum was not financially buoyant and she barely had enough to manage till the end of the term. She thought about the consequences involved and refused to follow Sandra.
Sandra became a threat and bully to her. One fateful day, Oge decided to report to her house mistress and seek for advice.
“My dear you did the right thing by coming to inform me, Never ever keep anything to yourself when you are facing a challenge as for this issue I would settle it. Whenever your foodstuff finish let me Know. Oge knelt down and thanked her,she was really grateful. Her house mistress later disciplined Sandra after getting enough evidence.
That’s the end of my story, so children whenever you facing any challenge do let me know”, Mrs Amaka said.

