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#Day 28


Happy birthday to you( ×2)
Happy birthday (×2)
Happy birthday to you.
We all sang in chorus, it was my mum’s birthday. Chika and I planned a surprise for mummy. Chika said she had a speech to present and everyone clapped for her as she stepped out.
Dear mum
You are my joy and happiness for nine months you carried me and gave birth to me in pains, you nursed me , feed me and nutured me. I bit you a thousand times yet your breast feed me. You always had headache just because of my cries. You corrected me when I was wrong and spanked me when I deserved it. I wake up every morning wishing you where not my mother when I was young but now I realized how blessed I am. Your love has brought me this far and your training has made me who I am. Mum you the best thing that has happened to me. I pray you reap the fruit of your labour and carry your grand children thank you for being the best mum.
Mrs Nneka couldn’t control the tears that filled her eye lids. Hugging Chika she said “thank you my daughter am glad you realized I loved you and I always wished the best for you”.
Mum and chika where not in good terms so I was actually surprised when Chika agreed to join me organize the surprise party. Seeing Chika and mum settle their misunderstanding made me so happy. I had long prayed for this, I remembered when mum threw Chika out of the house when she committed and abortion it took me starving myself for two days before mum reconsidered her decision. I felt mum’s pain she was disappointed. I always hear people say “it’s only the most loved child that is always corrected”, I always used that has a consolation whenever I felt mum was too harsh on her but now I realized she actually loved Chika.
“Finally I got my Birthday wish thank you Lord”, mum said.

