a) a man does not peel
off another's skin and cover himself
with it. that is hard.
He is quick to dish advice
in a platter of dark yellow plated as gold.
Don't lie. Don't steal. Don't this. Don't that.
Don't this. Don't that. Don't this. Don't that.
Does he care if you stole to save your life?
Does he care if you lied to save his life?
He tells you what to do and not to,
and when it is his turn to uphold this mode—
he resets like a defunct digital clock.
a[i] a man is not always sincere with advice
because he is human after all—
he impresses other with uprightness
but he is human after all.
b) logic says it is easy
to attack a man
and totally forget about his argument.
People write you off not because
they have a better handwriting.
They do because they have the red ink.
They forget about the number of hours
you wind-up to spawn your conception.
The pain. The anguish. The scrub. The finish
is none of their business—
what they care about is why your i
is not dotted without knowing that
the dot above the i is called a tittle.
b[i] criticism is binary—
constructive and destructive.
choose your base wisely.
a man is not always sincere with two things;
a) advice
b) criticism
© Abdulhameed Ridwan O
They never knew what you pass through.
They judge the way they felt...???