Wolf attached the WeTink device to his ear. Fox built it so we could communicate through thoughts and avoid the sound detectors in the facility.
(No guard. The door's titanium. We'll need to blow it up. In and out. Remember that...)
He suddenly froze, and we all had one overwhelming thought.
Lynx sneezed loudly, and the alarms began blaring. Shit.
(Okay. Plan B.)
We pulled out our crude ray guns and headed for the doors. It was harder to run on Mars. People bounced awkwardly when they ran.
Guards blocked us off and began shooting at us. We dived behind the walls and shot back, the guns making pulsing sounds.
Wolf looked at me. (The flashbang.)
(But), I argued, (it's dangerous. The light is...)
(I don't care. Do it! Now!)
I slid the flashbang towards the guards.
A high-pitched sound emanated from the flashbang, and we all saw white. The light was blinding, and it made no difference that my eyes were tightly shut.
We opened our eyes. The guards were unconscious, but the alarms still screamed.
We raced for the doors, Lynx stopping to remove a guard's keycard. He slid the card through a slot.
"Password", a robotic voice droned.
Wolf groaned. (Password? Anyone?)
(I'll try.) Fox said and faced the door.
The door clicked and slid open. Cold steam wafted from the room. We sprung into action, unfolding huge backpacks to load ice into. The room contained about 300,000 blocks of ice, each about the size of cement blocks used for houses on Earth. The ice was from the comet 51D/Avalun, which was owned by a united government of the leaders of human colonies on Mars. The government sold ice mined from the comet to their citizens. Mars was not yet terraformed, and that was the closest thing to water anyone could get. The price had become exorbitant though, so people who couldn't afford it began to steal it, like we were doing.
We loaded up and ran out of the storage room. We managed to get outside the facility before the drones and more guards found us.
"Freeze! Put down the bags and your weapons or you'll be shot. Do it. Now."
(No way we're leaving here without the ice. We'll die of thirst if we do.) Wolf said, his mouth tightly shut. (If we'll die, we might as well die here.) We nodded.
"Drop your..."
I lobbed an explosive towards the guards, and we began to run, not looking back even when a loud boom thundered behind us.
(We're too slow!), Wolf screamed.
We started ditching everything. Crude harnesses and grappling hooks, guns, explosive devices.
Fox screamed. I glanced back, just as an explosion tore the air and we were flung away like ragdolls.
Here I am, in our den, three years later, the ice I got nearly exhausted. It's been lonely here without them. The ice will be gone soon though, and I'll join them, and we'll be together once more.
By Precious Oluwatobi Emmanuel
Be careful with word count limits for literary contests. This work contains 501 words, which is still above required limit (300-500).
Use wordcounter.com to help you determine the accurate word count of your submissions.
As for the work itself, the dialogue should be in quotation marks, not brackets.
Use this:
"This is nice."
Instead of this:
(This is nice.)