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Yesterday, the sun was out in an unusual ferocity. I had dressed up to go see my boyfriend but the moment I walked out, It felt like the rays were penetrating directly through my skin.

"After all this baffing up, gawd and I no even get money for bike." I muttered and quickly stepped back into my room.

It only took me ten minutes after laying on my bed before I fell asleep and I was soon on a journey to dreamland.

"Stop there! Where do you think you are you going?" A potbellied man with a weird moustache shouted.

"To see my friend," I replied.

"So why are you passing through this route?"

"It's the fastest." I answered.

"Well, this route is closed for today. It will be opened tomorrow though." The man said.

"But, it's a public road..." I was saying when the man slapped me hard on the face prompting me to cry out in pain from dreamland into reality.

I was wondering why my brain was playing such a stupid scene in my head when my phone rang out. It was my boyfriend.

"Hey Joe," I said into the phone.

"You're no longer coming?" He asked.

"It's late already dear, can't make it any longer."

"Babe, it's ten minutes after five, party started five or are you drunk in your small crib already?"

"On my way D." I said before terminating the call.
I didn't know I had been asleep for only a short while.

"Thank gawd." I said when I noticed the sun was no longer intense like it was when I first ventured out.
I plugged in my earphones and started walking.
When it was just a few minutes to Joe's place, I noticed a few guys were running in my direction.
I stopped to observe what was chasing them and I saw that they were being chased by two dogs.
I have never been friends with dogs so I quickly took off my palm slippers and began to run as fast as my pencil jeans could carry me in the opposite direction.

When I looked back, I noticed the guys were no longer behind me and the dogs were charging at me like I was a female member of their specie.

I decided to jump the nearby fence, a decision that proved fatal. Before I could lift my left leg over the fence, the dogs got to me.
One clamped his teeth on my left buttock while the other one grabbed my left leg with it's teeth.
The pain was excruciating, especially the one I was feeling from the one who clamped my buttock.
I couldn't move because of the fear that they'd tear off my skin so I kept shouting help until I passed out.

I woke up today to see my buttocks wrapped like an head gear and one is bigger than the other and then there's joe trying to stifle a laugh.
I should have paid attention to that dream.

© Akinwole John Akintayo

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

You seem to have difficult choosing suitable titles for your works. 'Pay attention' certainly doesn't sound nice for this narrative!

You should also mind your use of capitalisations.

For example:

'Yesterday, the sun was out in an unusual ferocity. I had dressed up to go see my boyfriend but the moment I walked out, It felt like the rays were penetrating directly through my skin.'

In the above paragraph, Sun should always begin with a capital letter. 'It' had no business beginning with a capital letter.

