The fan was rotating sluggishly, every rotation making the only noise in the room. Hips of washed clothes were carelessly sprawled on the bed, every tosseed cloth was unhappy, begging to be folded. Then between them was Miriam, sitting and looking lostly at the object she held tightly in her palm.
It was a necklace, the pendant lies coldly in her palm, held tightly between them so that the closeness gave it some warmness. The chain hooked into it made its way out through the space in her fingers, dangling and reinstating oscillatory motion, each oscillation reminded her of the history she so much cherish, it hurts her as much as she loves it. How can the past be so beautiful, yet so cruel?
Deen is a guy she had grown to love, they had vowed to keep the love burning. Now she feel tossed away like the helpless clothes on the bed.
Tears gradually fall down her cheeks, she won't stop the tears. "It is okay to cry." She thought. As the tears intensify, falling profusely, she kept it silent.
She won't make a sound because she doesn't need anyone to lecture her on how to treat herself.
She quickly wiped the tears as she starred at the necklace, opening her palm.
Deen had given it to her the day he unknotted her wrapper. It was a symbol of promise that he will never let go of her hand. The necklace remind her of so much, their first pleasure and his carefulness when he gave her every stroke. A smile escaped from her face. That was Deen, so careful about how he treats her. He is simply the best man in the world but he vanished...
Like an evaporated water into the space, making her heart heavy and unsteady, like how the atmosphere should be. Now the plants yearn for a fall, the earth so crack and thirsty but this rain won't fall. Deen won't come back to her, there is no hand to clutch, nobody to love her, she is alone. So lonely in the world. Deen fooled her with the necklace. It was a lie when he promised never to leave. Deen left her, he left for his maker, away from the wicked world. She wished he had taken her.
"Deen Why?" She yelled... Breaking in tears, unable to hold it back like a child. Her mother rushed in.
"Oh my baby." She ran to her and held her close, their heartbeat intertwined.
"Please stop." Her mother cried.
It's been two years, two years since the inevitable struck but it felt like yesterday.
She closed her eyes, escaping from the world and let her body feel her mother's
"Deen is gone." She communicated to her head through her heart.
"I'm fine mother." She said, beaming a weak smile, her mother hugged her again.
They both know she can never be fine. The empty space can never be filled.
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
Hips of washed clothes were carelessly sprawled on the bed (word should be 'heaps').
There are several other similar errors.