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Mariam Webster dictionary defines Depression as a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way.  


Depression is killing so many vibrant youths and truncating so many destinies, who knows if the savior of our nation would come from the loins of those who killed themselves. 

Everybody faces one problem or the other when we feel we have reached the apex of our strength, that's where we need the people factor i.e we need to bring in people to assist us. Anybody can fall into depression, depression is not a respecter of your gender, age, experience or  even wealth.

I have always thought depression and suicide are words interwoven only in the western world, i was brought back from oblivion when I started seeing Africans, Nigerians kill themselves due to depression.


I would like to be plain here, depression is becoming a reccurrence in our society due to some unnecessary pressure being placed on the youths of today. Comparison to others is becoming a norm, even social media isn't helping issues, an average male youth is expected to carry out  some certain responsibilities and when he doesn't deliver as at when due so many criticism comes his way. Not that I encourage mediocrity but we should learn to understand that everyone has their own time. We are viewed as failures if we aren't producing like our friends, even the Bible says some produced thirty, others sixty and others hundred folds. Results are meant to differ. 


When we fall into depression, talking about our experience helps us because someone may have been in the same situation with you and overcame, so his insight may be the key to your overcoming. 


Suicide is the most selfish way of dealing with any situation, you have to think of the people you are leaving behind, people who love you. It's even more selfish because you just stopped a generation that was supposed to come from you, ever wondered if the father of Thomas Alva Eddison committed suicide means the invention of light bulb may have taken a longer time to be invented, or if your Father committed suicide, you planning on doing so wouldn't be alive. It's painful and seems like the most logical way of getting out of the problem but that's not the best solution. I would end on this note, Judas in the Bible committed suicide due to depression but come to think of it what if he waited three extra days and Jesus resurrected, the resurrection of Jesus would have brought him solace and he would realise his mistake brought joy to many. 




©️ Ndibe David
