How did we get here? Where did we miss it? These are burning questions that I am still looking for answers to.
In times past, in the days of Wole Soyinka when he formed the pirates just to check mate oppression of students... before I gained admission into the University, I heard of students unionism being the protector of students right in school.Gone are the days when students have a say in the way they are being governed and taught.
Students have lost the aim and objectives of student Unionism. Students now see being at the helm of affair as an avenue to mismanage funds and host parties. A student who has a problem in school does not know how to go about it because they do not know the association is their avenue to be heard. Students contest for post just for the fun of it, and probably to organize a good department week and to them they've left a good legacy. I have seen how students have been treated like criminals by the school's security just because they flaunted minor school regulations. Mind you I am not encouraging misbehavior among students, there are simply legitimate ways of handling things. In my year 1 i saw how we were treated like animals, anti cults beating students indiscriminately, students they were meant to protect.
Let's take some lessons from our lecturers, how united they are. I respect ASUU as an organization, they are ready to jeopardize their students' future just to get what they want. In the case of students, anyone that even tries to make a change is even criticized by his fellow students.
Students Union has been turned to mere toy and party organising committee, where they plan parties with the money contributed by fellow students without making any reasonable impact.
There was the time in Student Unionism when if there was any policy implemented and it doesn't favor students, they speak up and dialogue for their rights, but today, reverse is the case. Students just accept every decision being thrown at them even when it's not conducive.
Our Union has being politicized. Take a peek at NANS which was supposed to be the mouth piece of the students but went to Aso rock and did the opposite of what was expected of them, maybe due to the fact that envelopes have exchanged hands. Students now see Student Union as an avenue to enrich themselves.
I clamour for the day when the spirit of Aluta would be revived and students would have their voice. This can only happen if the visionaries are placed at the helm of affairs.
Let's resurrect the spirit of Aluta.
©️ Ndibe David
Nice, but work needs to be properly edited.