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"Michael go and wash the plate, can't you see I am having my manicure done."  

The husband complies without argument and do as he is told, all because he isn't the one footing the bill. 

We are very conversant with domestic abuse, where the husband is the abuser. There are many homes where the wife is the abuser and most times it's not even physical abuse. I have seen marriages where the husband has been turned into a slave in his house but he can't speak up just because he isn't the breadwinner of the family. Even if he speaks up no one would listen to him. There are men who even undergo physical abuse, they are beaten by their wives and no one is ready to come to their aid. 

He is being reminded about how useless he is on a daily basis. He is humiliated by his wife. Life is becoming unbearable, he doesn't know who to turn to. He is starved sex and he cries but no one hears his sobs.



"Father, my son is possessed by an evil spirit, he urinates on the bed". 

"Leave him with me for four  days and he would be healed". 

That conversation between the Reverend father and his mother would subject him to four days of torture. He was sexually abused by the priest who was supposed to "cast out demons" from him. The priest threatened him that if he told anyone he would die. Who would he talk to that would believe him? The Reverend father who was supposed to deliver him from demons just "sowed a demon" into his life. 


A teenage girl living with her uncle and is constantly being sexually abused by him. She has nowhere to go to. Her parents are both dead. He abuses her on a daily basis even though he has a beautiful wife and a daughter. She can't tell anyone because her uncle threatened to throw her out of his house the day she does. She cries every night but no one hears her sobs. 


I dated Badmus for Four years, the first three years were rosy. He took me out, bought me things until all of a sudden he became abusive. He beats me at the slightest provocation and later apologizes by bringing me flowers. I thought I could change him but now I am six feet under the ground where no one can hear my scream.

©️ Ndibe David

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Ndibe David Chukwunwike

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Nice attempt. However, the various storylines could have been more appropriately linked to achieve a seamless flow.
