Addiction is a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble) in reference to Mariam Webster dictionary. Most times we think addiction is only for negative things, you can be addicted to something positive, let's say your books, you can't stay a day without reading it, to some people it can be a certain type of food or drink. There was a time yours truly was addicted to center fruit chewing gum. I couldn't stay some hours without chewing it.
But I am not going to dwell on the "positive addiction". If we want to be frank with ourselves, we wouldn't hide the fact that many youths are addicted to something, be it drugs, gambling even pornography. Addition is a gradual destroyer of today's youth.
The truth being most of them are tired of such addiction but can't help themselves.
We can correctly say that addiction breeds other bad vices like stealing, masturbation. When there's no money to satisfy the unquenchable desire addicts are forced to steal. When you watch pornography, the next line of action is masturbation for so many and masturbation is a silent killer.
Overcoming addiction isn't a day job, it's a gradual process that needs focus, determination and if you are religious trust in God to help you. Though most times addicts relapse but determination is what is needed to bounce back.
No matter the addiction you are battling with the first step to overcome is to admit you need help. Addiction can be over came.
©️ Ndibe David
Nice exposition. Let's correct a few errors:
1. '...youths are addicted to something, be it drugs, gambling even pornography.'
There should be a comma between gambling and even.
2. 'Addiction can be over came.'
The word should be overcome, and it's one word, not two.
Noted sir