In our everyday activities, there is an indispensable small, deadly and mighty part of our body that pronounces words of action, and used for proper communication. It is the leader in the mouth community, and the father for a clear pronunciation of spoken words--- the tongue.
The tongue, with how small it is, can unleash fire or call out peace, depending on how an individual uses it. This is why we are asked as persons, to control it and not let it control us. It is like a coin-- two sides.
The moment we give it total freedom, its unleashing of fire is inevitable. Its fire can burn harmonious relationships completely, and in a way that when it later tries to call on peace to reign, the relationships may never look like as they once existed. It leaves an indelible mark. Swearing, cursing, gossiping, backbiting, boasting, over-talking, etc, are the agents of its fire.
At a point in time, we can't deny the fact that we have let our tongue control us, which led to one painful or regrettable experience. We have later thought about the whole event, and then said to ourselves, "I shouldn't have..."
The other side of the tongue, which is peaceful, has a gift inside of it called SILENCE. When we use the gift of silence in a situation where we should spew words of anger, we hold it back. The gift of silence would whisper in our ears, "Hey, never let this temporary situation make you react in a way that it'd give it a permanent effect."
The tongue is as old as we are, and highly accessible. Let us know what we say, and endeavor to put the "beast" under our control.
Victor Apata
2nd paragraph:
"The tongue, with how small it is, can unleash fire or call out peace, depending on how an individual uses it.
This should correctly be:
"The tongue, as little as it is, can unleash fire or call out peace, depending on how an individual uses it.