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"Jay. Jay! ". That's the third time. Needed nothing to get whose voice it was. It's mothers. I threw off my wrapper, dragged my way down to the living room. There she was, sitting like a queen. 


"Good morning mir"

"Maggie has gone to Sally's. She'll probably be back by nightfall, she said it's a long day"

"And Dinnie? "

"You know where, Jay. "

"I gotta move too. Don't plan to be a liability today"

"You never were son. You'll never be"


 Again, I looked into her eyes. Pains, anguish, love, fear, passion and a lot more. Mixed, combined and presently working. I felt for her but, I didn't want to cry. 'Men don't cry', that's the saying at Littlevilla. I went in, cloaked myself in some big suit. It was father's and now I'm the father. Mum always remind me. 


 "Off mom, to earn. Don't miss me old one, pray I hit it big today. 


"You have my prayers boy. Don't come late. I don't want a Varen's noise today" 


'Oh Varen! Can he stop talking me? ' I mumbled as I stepped out of the house. Varen doesn't like me and if he did, it stopped since I stole the pies meant for his grandchildren who were visiting last Christmas. He spent some lucre on the making of those pies but, what to do? Hunger really was killing me! Maggie too. If I didn't take those pies, I would have been history by now. I remember that little girl with small teeth. 'go to hell you little scum! Or I'll make one for you here'. Threat! From a baby. I wasn't fazed, I'd eaten those pies with Maggie and our stomachs appreciated that. Mine kept murmuring even after an hour. Best Christmas I've ever had. Satisfaction, run and Ehm, fame. Half of Little villa were present there that day, One elder had pleaded on my behalf. He paid Varen his money and I served the elder for 3 months. It was comfortable, I stopped picking from the whites and coloured together. From their kitchens, wastes, streets and everywhere we could get food and valuables to sell for money. 


 "Watch out kid! " a biker had broken my thoughts. "What were you thinking of? "

"Sorry sire. I need money"


He stared at me for a while and let out a faint smile. Might have realized I'm a *crawler* as we children beggars were called there. 


"Here, one pounds"

"Thank you sire" 


He left, releasing smokes into the air as he sped down the streets. I smiled, the day's work has started.

© Aj Maverick


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