His Second Wife
The sun was on its peak, the rays scattered in front of our house, this is exactly what I'm hoping for, I need its anger to dry my white shirt, which I socked very early in the morning.
I slowly poured a clean water into a black bucket, it gradually landed into the small one in a zigzag form. I was about to start washing when something caught my eyes.
The bubbles... It reminds me of an event, the shocking death of Mr Ajanaku.
I was there when he gave up the ghost, I saw the scaring foam in his mouth. "It's a poison." the oldest man among us said.
"How can Mr Ajanaku be poisoned?" I asked myself, obviously not expecting an answer.
Mr Ajanaku was a close friend of my father, he called for my father when things started getting worse but we couldn't do anything, God seems to have handed over his faith to his wife. Since she was the murderer. I wonder how can a beautiful woman be that wicked.
Mr Ajanaku married her as a second wife then since then the used to be peaceful compound turned into a war zone.
The man who said it was poison was an idol believer, he usually consult the gods using white cowries, he stepped forward after declaring it. Everyone made way for him, Mr Ajanaku is an important figure that proper consultation must be made concerning his death.
It was after minutes of invocation that I got the shock of my life.
His second wife ran out furiously, she immediately threw away her head wrap. "I will confess, I will confess..." She repeatedly said. All eyes fell on the woman.
"I never loved him, it was Adeiza I love." Everyone looked the direction the woman was pointing to, she was talking about Mr Ajanaku's immediate younger brother.
"I was already pregnant for Adeiza when I married him, but I had to continue with the marriage cause of his money and fame." "Ayooo, Adaamo..." the cloud exclaimed, with their hands on their head.
The old man gestured everyone to stop.
"I was hoping he die when he had stroke but he survived it, so I killed him afterward." Mr Ajanaku's first wife boast in tears.
"You have killed me o, Avoyi you have killed me." she continued to wail.
"Wunor!" the old man exclaimed. People furiously suggested that Adeiza and Avoyi should be killed for they have brought atrocity into the land. In the end they were spared but the little child they had died weeks after the incident, only God knows what killed him.
For this single reason, I told myself I will not have second wife as far as the first one is sensible.
Wunor: Ebira word for calamity
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
Good, but it's an all too familiar storyline. The piece is also wrought with errors ranging from defective sentence construction to poor tense usage. Please endeavor to correct the numerous grammatical and structural elements, or get it edited by a professional hand.
The title is also misleading because apparently both wives had a hand in the calamity.