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Andre made a volte face , he sensed Shade had just made another turn. He rested his back firm against the world and was almost breathless, he heard Shade's footsteps in his direction. He remained firm and slid his fingers across his own body, he found a coin luckily . He tossed it eastwards, Shade quickly made another turn West but in the direction of Andre.

"Hands up! " Andre shouted, "finally , I got you"

"You can't be that sure Officer. We've always been like this" Shade stressed.

Andre sense Shade was up to some mischief , he's always pulled a trick up to this point. But not this time, Andre had promised himself. He quickly shot at Shade's fingers as he tried to get his gun from his pockets. He groaned and fell on his knee, blood oozing from his fingers.

" You are done finally, Man. You really are worth the chase but everything ends today. The world will be happy that an high profile notorious thief has fallen" Andre said with a smile on his face.

• The sun had just set, it's shiny yellow appearance had just prevailed over the normal blue and white face of the sky. An hotel standing tall with the name SKYE LOUNGE was the best recipient of the sun's glow, her smooth cream colours had reflected the sun better, making it a show of reflected sights.

Andre was in the 6th room expecting his superior officer , he had waited for about an hour making sure to keep his own company with the white coloured J & W Cocktail wine. ' Superiors are like God in this country ' he thought.

"So what do you have ? " His boss stormed in showing both a curious and furious face

"Sir , you have to bring me back. I am truly sorry but I had him arrested already sir"

"Don't tell me you invited here to feed me with this cock and bull story again? "

"Sir , I think there's a mole in the system. A man had hit me with the gun before I passed out. I heard him talk to Shade faintly. Must have been an officer too."

" Are you ready to stand with this allegation? That there Is something wrong with the system? "

" No sir"

" Then stop already ! You are dismissed and that's final. Until further notice Officer"

The chubby cheeked man picked up his key and his phone and made for the door angrily.

"You have been working for 10 years and you let an high profile thief like Shade escape? You should be lucky you're not in a cell by now" He slammed the door behind him.

Andre fell back his seat, he brought the DCO' s final statement to a replay in his head. He synced the tone and manner to that he heard that night he had fainted. He nodded his head a few times, made for the door and slammed it behind himself too.


© Alabi Muheez Ajibola


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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Interesting storyline, but punctuations and paragraphing were poorly utilised throughout. 
