"You are too fat, just take a look at yourself. Compare your size to others, Kate. You'd better go slim down." Kate sat in bed at night, remembering the last words Ryan her boyfriend said to her a couple hours ago, when she visited him at his house. Ryan hadn't been the only one who said similar words to her. Some of her friends said it to her very often when they met, perhaps, jokingly.
Kate rose to her feet and stood in front of the mirror before her. She ran her hands all over her body, examining herself. "But I have tried all things necessary for me to slim down. Maybe I just have a lot of fat in my body." She sighed, moving away. "Now, I don't always feel comfortable to meet my friends, not even Ryan. I feel odd."
Kate pulled out a chair and sat on it. She remembered Ryan telling her he won't marry her if she didn't find a solution to her fatness. Her eyes suddenly became dewy as she thought of what to do to keep Ryan.
"I will go for a surgery," she muttered.
Kate met with her doctor, and preparations were made for the surgery to be carried out.
The fat was extracted and she looked slim. A faint smile crossed her lips as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.
After two weeks, she began to feel weak. Kate tried to take a step out of her room, but was unable to. She slumped and gave up the ghost. It was later gathered that the surgery had been unsuccessful.
Howbeit if she hadn't been body-shamed! Howbeit if she had accepted and loved herself the way she looked! The perception of people about her was her concern. Howbeit if she had not let their words make her take the wrong step!
Victor Apata
Not bad. The word 'body-shaming' shouldn't be hyphenated, if that's the title you choose.