"Jamal! Jamal!! Jamal!!!" Ismail called on me as he bashed into my room and locked the door hastily. I stood up trying to hear what he wanted to say.
"She's real. She's real Jamal."
"Who is real? And who is making you pant this hard?"
"I don't want to call her name, she will hear me."
"You can't tell me it's your girlfriend chasing..."
"Oh no, she's here. Please don't hurt me. Please!!! MISS KOI." That was what I heard him say before he was swept off his feet by God knows what.
"Choose a place to die, not here," I said thinking he was trying to play one of his pranks on me. Normally, he would laugh each time he gets busted. But something was not right at that moment, Ismail didn't move. I got closer to him and saw he wasn't breathing as well. Ismail was dead.
I woke up from my nightmare and picked up my phone to call Ismail. My dreams do come true, in a different way, but the end result is always the same.
"Jamal, why call by this time of the night?"
"I'm sorry man, I just had a dream."
"The person to call is your girlfriend and not me. Perhaps, I'm not the biblical Joseph."
"You died bro. I had to check up on you."
"Well, we will all die someday. Me dying is nothing to worry about."
"I've forgotten how stupid you are. But, remember not to call her name no matter what."
"Who? Miss Koi Koi?
" Oh God, you did not just..."
"I can't believe you still believe in this Miss Koi Koi crap. I wan sleep abeg." Ismail ended the call.
I stayed up all night waiting to receive an "Ismail is dead" call or text, but I got nothing.
I went to visit Ismail the following day and he was still his usual self. He made fun of me and called on Miss Koi Koi several times till I had an earful. We both had a good time till I left his house for mine.
I yelled "Miss Koi Koi" as I got home and waited for my lightbulb to flicker or wind to get my windows flying off their hinges. Nothing happened. "My childhood have been a joke," I said as I fell into my couch.
"I've been waiting for you," I heard a lady speak. I sat up right and there she was in a red dress and a pair of red shoes.
"Are you ready?" She asked.
"How did you get in?" I asked in return.
"You gave me a spare remember?"
It was my girlfriend and I almost forgot we were to go to the cinema.
© Aminu Abdulmumeen
Good humour!