Let me in, if you'd like
To put together your broken heart
With a glue that will never break
And sow together your shattered love
Let me sing for you, if you'd like
Solo songs from my heart for you
Replying the questions you'd put in mind
Ending your clueless thoughts with hope
Let me dance for you, if you'd like
To tame your hard trials of time
With the magical steps of my feet
And the lustful moves of my body
Let me crawl for you, if you'd like
To see from beneath your ravage heart
Through your loins as I crawl
So my sight could create a pity in my heart
Let me sleep for you, if you'd like
To see all your hidden plights
Dream about your uncertained future
And tell you all what my closed eyes saw
Lend me your ears, if you'd like
Let me speak words of life to them
And voice all I saw in my dream
To give your sober heart rest
Let me cry for you, if you'd like
To flow out my grieves in tears
Like an angry ocean setting its pace
And make whole your heavy eyes
Let me die for you, if you'd like
To reign over all that troubles your soul
Like the saviour's victory over sin
And live afterwards in peace
©Israel Onoruoiza
Perfecto!!! ??
Thanks sir.