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When she tries her best but she doesn't succeed
When she gets what she wants but not what she needs
When she feels tired but can't sleep, stuck in the reverse and can't deal
And the tears keep streaming from her face because she has lost something she can't replace

When all life is dust in a running air
When her dreams aren't what she screams
When her days are dark and nights scotch
When even her skin doesn't feel like home
And all to life is her bane, shame as a whole.

The wheel breaks a butterfly, every tears a waterfall
In the stormy night she closes her eyes to ask, will this be an everlasting cry?
Alas! In that Stormy night she grew wings and flew away

For the venom was not to kill but to heal.
The night taught her to use the black in her eye
The day whispered that light is but a weakness!
Lo! She knows the way of the wind! She rides it!

©Musa Oyiza Rahama and Ben James

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Posts: 862

Nicely done!
