I've always wondered, what's beneath
This red shimmy clothings of yours?
What treasure you have hid neath,
Under this cute gown you wear.
Milk or honey?
Butter or sugar?
I've tried to guess,
But there's more, I get!
More to the beauty shinning on my face
Like the sunshine in the bright noon day.
More to this covering of a million worth
Glaring as the most heavenly of graces.
More to your poise and majestical gait.
Yay! more to the beauty we once saw
Tried by the fire; burning while you fall!
I wish beauty is strength,
Your nose would've dragged that pork
To where its snort belongs!
I wish beauty is as a glue,
It would've stuck to the ground
When his caress hit your compounds!
But, your beauty was a blanket,
Your shield of self-deception!
You flourished in deciet,
Till you could no longer hide your rot in conceit
As the maggots shout in voracious adulations.
Rot where you belong with pride,
I wish but beautifools also die!
© Ben James
S1L1: Clothings... The 's' shouldn't be there because of the singular word 'this' as the subject of the sentence.