Sitting patiently,
Listening to the voices of the night
This song is a sweet tune on the lips of the Harmattan breeze,
And a soothing melody to the wounds of our soul,
Each with its own step, dancing ferociously to the wind
As Sounds of thunder clap pierces the eyes of a wailing sky,
Sending down rain drops that watered our land.
This song is but a song of hope
Each tune pouring on our roofs like droplets of rain
Each beat healing our wounds like falling dew in the morning
While our land becomes an Ocean from the teardrops of a weeping sky,
We troop out naked dancing to a melodious song.
While we played, mama's call becomes noise to our ears,
And as we danced we rebuked papa's advice like water to fire,
For we are but little children dancing in the moonlight to a song of hope.
Nicely written!