When tomorrow ask us for a dance,
That will quench the thirst of hungry men.
We shall dance to the sound of pounded yam pots sitting on firewood
And to the sweet aroma of Asaro and Ikokore that sings around our nostrils.
We shall dance to the lullaby of mortar and pestle like village drunkards with bottles of Gegemu
And to the enticing aroma of burnt Ogbono.
We shall dance like Ponmo, cat fish and Cray fish buried in mama's soup.
We shall dance to the lyrics of Egusi as it waters our throats.
We shall dance like naked masquerades to the beats of pumpkin leaves sliced in melon soup prepared at the village square,
And to the scent of Ewedu that wakes us early in the morning.
We shall dance like little children to the melodious tunes of Amala and Gbegiri, also to the drum beats of Eba, Ogi and Ogbore
We shall dance a food dance for you mama, till dawn turns to dusk
© Samuel junior Irusota
Iyan – pounded yam
Ponmo – processed cow skin
Gbegiri – bean soup
Ewedu – African spinach
Gegemu – strong native alcohol
Amala – processed yam flour
Asaro – yam pottage
Ikokore – yam porridge
Ogi - processed locust beans
We would rather entertain prose for this contest category.