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11/07/2019 7:29 pm
(Day 2)
Your every syllable is as the wall of the Guggenheim Museum,
Stunning, like a Niagara of pearls,
Your embrace wears the cologne of warmth
And your never waning smile is like a goat skin bag gorged with a zillion promises.
But, I know its kind so well – a full stomach
Only to be miscarried a little before dawn.
I have seen seasons
That earned me scars where medicine cannot thread,
Seasons when the aroma of hope sold my famished heart its object of greed,
Only for it to be like the devil's sea. .
I know your kind:
The fertile bird that is never seen again after laying an egg.
"No sir, not today"
© Lawal Eneye.
#100 days poetry challenge.