Take your time;
Flip through the pages of the past
They are written with costly pen
Boldly in the heart of your history
Soon forgotten that;
When darkness held you captive
We were the light that brought you out of your captivity
Even when darkness seems so frightening
If history couldn't hold your sword
From piercing through our body
Why not the blood that runs through us
Cease your guns from trading bullets into our heads?
When you were once like a lonely baby
We stood by you and nurture you in our arms
But now, you've grown strenght
To book your brothers for death
Haven't you ever been told of our efforts?
The costly sacrifice we made in our family alter for you?
Now, you use the coal of the sacrifice we made
To burn your brothers to death
You were once worth fighting for
But now, you're worth fighting against
If it will trade back your senses home
And make you remember that we're Africans, we're blacks.
©Israel Onoruoiza
We stood by you and nurture you in our arms (highlighted word should be in the past tense: nurtured)
S4L3 and S5L2
The words 'strength' and 'altar' were misspelled.
Okay sir, noted. ??