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As the two feeble black birds
Sitting on the crest of the hill
The one shall pick corn ears
And the other watches for safety

Hair sprouts in a child's head not at all part
You know a child can't be bald from year one till five
The hair becomes Fuller after some years
This, our heads-as hairs must be together to make "hair"

The broomstick that isolate itself
Shall fragment in a second or two
For no man ever won being alone
And discord will rip every nation apart

Leaves that makes a tuber of cassava isn't single
Then, why do my brothers feel they need be on their own
Stem, root, leaves, and branches are cassava harbinger
On the hay day, harvest would be realized in full

We are both drops of cold water
Formed to swiftly coalesce
We must unite and become one
To save the fading human race

A scrotum with a ball can't form a soul
A soul without love is not worth a soul
Two balls make semen upon ejaculation without these balls, how do we become so and so

For Humanity is an intricate twine
That no man should dare loose
And until we all become whole
Our peace shall be but little

United we shall all win
To sing the chorus of one people
For a soloist may croon a good song
But only by unity can an orchestra be formed

©Idris Abdulrahman Omeiza
©Daniel Ayodele


This topic was modified 6 years ago by Idris AbdulRahman

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Good collabo. You should know when to use capitalisations. Get your tense usage right as well.
