Oh Heaven
Heaven gave me a key to creation,
A thing of my own, a joy and an ambition,
So I hang a noose around it and made it stay,
Who taught it those tricks in just a day?
My solace grew wings and flew up to the sky,
Oh heaven! Where is the life you said will never die?
I am the master of my mind and its giver of food,
How come it starves in the midst of bread?
I grow the plant from those disperse seed,
How come my garden turns pale and lifeless?
My third leg collapse and my being crumble,
Oh heaven! Where is the uniqueness in me?
Fishes derives pleasure from sleeplessness,
Just like bird's wings shrinking out tiredness,
I have a thing between my finger gap,
I turned it to a baby and placed it in my lap,
That thing is moving out of my grasp,
What is the map that shows it another route?
I thought it was I and I alone who can show it the way to take.
Where has my groom left me to?
This bride is in a cold bed alone,
Awaiting your arrival and to feel like our first date together,
Give me a hand and let's thread forever,
I am you and there can't be another one for us,
Oh heaven! Show my groom the way to his home.
The sun shows no mercy to my ocean of inspiration,
My pen has missed with the dark, and now it's hard to find,
I am losing my lines and the magic of creation,
This bird isn't patching but its wings have broken,
Dear heaven! Give me back my gracious pen.
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
Fine poem! Should be edited though.
'My pen has missed with the dark...' (This is grammatically incorrect. Try:
My pen has gone missing, with the dark (note the continuous tense and the comma).