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Hitherto, the moon sat on the edge of my window

where it listened as I told all my woes, 

she was radiant and always smiled, 

sending to my heart the best of tides. 


Days ago, the sun still shone bright from the west

forming a lit scene ; a point of light over my head. 

These treat was more than enough

to put my heart off the rough. 


But yesterday, the sun was hot like a furnace

and the moon had supposedly taken a walk away from the stars. 

They turned from my sight to disappear, 

thus, my heart burned down in despair. 


A storm had chased the sun, 

a lightening had put the moon on a run, 

these evil forces birthed by a mother, 

it was her! My departed lover. 


She took a walk out of my life, easy and simple, 

everything, everywhere then became miserable. 

Her departure parted happiness and I even, 

erupting memories of the earliest humans and the Garden of Eden! 


For the first time, I fled from the sky, 

my face met it's gaze and I became shy,

for you were not there to enhance her smile, 

it's thus been sad, all this while. 


I have thus realized I am but empty

whence and I'm without your company, 

I have realized that life starts to fleet

the moment you and I stop to meet. 



© Aj Maverick 



Prominent Member Admin
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'To put my heart off the rough...' (The highlighted word isn't a noun, so it's use is inappropriate there. As an adjective, it can't be used as the object of the sentence. It must qualify a noun. Don't take this avoidable risk just for the sake of achieving rhythm!)


'They turned from my sight to disappear...' (This is simply tautology! Use either 'They turned from my sight' or 'They began to disappear')

