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I do not know how much the heart feels

but, pain really is not much of a feat. 

Had I known the victims faced so much hell, 

I wouldn't join their journey of a better place from earth. 


Like lost sticks of a whole broom, friends automatically left my list. 

For they were all in their university third year at least

while I stumbled across stones in the streets 

until no movement could be done by my feet. 


Even Mary that I thought was left with me, 

a 300 level student of computer engineering. 

We had met just last week

and she confessed she could no longer stood by me. 


She had barked that my head didn't matched hers

for my mates were at the wheels, pulling gears. 

When will my day finally break? 

She spat on my feet and I knew I'd failed. 


I wandered the street noticing the day's ugliness

and the sun's face became annihilating and short of essence. 

No longer could I count the stars and bask in the moon's presence, 

this wasn't the life I was promised when I arrived earth. 


That night, father reminded me I was a disappointment, 

failure in my sixth exam gave him that confidence. 

He could hurl insults at me all he wanted, 

It seemed he just got the license. 


To save a man's face, I coupled my act together, 

no one would miss my absence now nor never. 

I had sipped large gulps of the deadly sniper, 

and it was tearing apart, my intestines. 


This pain was the greatest I ever felt, 

I tore out and my cry with a soul met. 

It was my mother, she held me close to her breast

and soon, my face was full of her tears. 


Oh no! I had been foolish, 

there was one who loved me fully. 

I was blinded by my thoughts, I couldn't see. 

Now the love she had had me, I would miss it. 


I had taken my life, thought I ended my strife. 

But I'll die, and carry those pains to the afterlife. 

I was pained the more that I was still loved, 

b ut I didn't see, I'd been blinded by my thoughts.


#NeveGiveUp #NeverGiveIn #StayDetermined #KeepFighting #SayNoToSuicide #SayYesToLife #SuicideIsNotAnOption 

