Verily, i looked forth to see
Guns, Ammunitions and weapons
That stood at war with my mind
Only what i could see is darkness
Gently, i listened to my heart
To hear the crushing sounds of war
Waged against my heart
Not a beat could spawn in my ears
Only tears could drop a note
Grieve only could draw a chart
Of the war progressing in my mind
Of the terror troops ravaging my mind
The gates of success are shut against me
I can't move a step forward
Bridges of favour have all been cut down
I can't cross the red sea before me
My heart couldn't have felt more strike
Than been trampled on the ground
It was broken to pieces, not even a drop of blood was left
It could only bleed water and sweat
I'm at war against myself
Depression summons the spirit of suicide
My little whisper couldn't hold depression
My heart is drowning slowly
I'm at war; "war of the mind"
I'm facing hell all alone
I'm losing already, i need your help!
Help Please! It's war of the mind
Help put off this fire lighted by hunger
Help get a cloth to cover me in my cold
I'm a ship of love betrayed by heartbreak
Help, so i won't sink like the Titanic.
©Israel Onoruoiza