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Left to fate

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Left to fate
Muhammad Adamu
Bond in marriage to live as family.
Woman gave birth,
Dad takes him out to learn,
Teacher askes him to struggle for survival
At a tender age of four.
The society sees him as irritating and unkept.
Disgusting as a refuse.
Reek and stench are his perfume.
Yet know one cares.

No food to eat.
Trek miles for water.
Chases flies from the refuse bin to satisfy his starving stomach.
No net to escape malaria and fever.
To poor to receive medication.

The caring mom delivers another child subject to the same fate
The marriage security is her reputation.
A child gone is better than a marriage lost.
What a love for a child.
What a heart of a woman towards her child.
What a mother.
What a disgraceful mother.

The full of wisdom father forgets his child for years without visitation.
What an affectionate love for a child.
To the father the unknown child will made him great in the future.
His family will have less number to feed.
His money will be more useful on mistresses and gambling.
What a father.
What a good for nothing father.

To society the child was unfortunate to have such a father.
The child is accepted in society to beg and do menial job.
So long he is taught stealing and arm robbery is evil.
What a caring society, accepting evil as good even after seeing the negative consequences.
What a society accepting evil because it is an evil within themselves.
What a society afraid to condemn their own men doing evil
What a society.
What a bigotry society

To the leading government.
More thugs to help us in the electioneering process.
More money to be stolen cause we don't have to budget for beggars, the society as accepted.
More respect for us, as we just spray money for them as chickens to peak on.
What a government seeking development for it's citizens
What a government afraid to domesticate laws to help it's people Even when modification is in existence.
What a government.
What a corrupt government.
