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Futility of Life

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When I reflect upon my life
Seeing the past and present times
I begin to wonder what is life
What it holds for me in time

I began to look out to life
What has been your usefulness to me?
I close my eyes in sleep at night
And wake up in the morning delight
Hoping to see something new again
But everything is just the same

All day, I toil in pain
Striving hard to get it right
But I always come to resolve
I toil in futility
I never gain anything good

Life, what is your use?
What is your good to mankind?
Men toil and work hard
Praying to get good fruits
But all they harvest is sour grapes

The Earth is cursed
The land is withered
Nothing good can spring forth
Cause you are cursed
People die everyday
Not just because it is the norm
But because of the great disadvantage
Life has set for them all

O creator of life
Look down on us all
Reverse the curses you
placed on the earth
Let pain and futile toil be no more
Till we all go to rest in peace
By Joseph Samuel

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Nice poetry
