#DAY 11
Mr and Mrs Williams were barren for fifteen years though they are medically alright, but, on this very day, the wife brought a good news to her husband.
MRS WILLIAMS :[Smiles] Dear, I went to the hospital because I'm not feeling okay and to my surprise... [ She gave him the result]
MR. WILLIAMS:[ He read it and was excited] Wow! Wow!! You're three weeks pregnant
MRS. WILLIAMS: [ Excited] Yes dear...
MR. WILLIAMS :I'm happier than a cloud right now, I know God is still by our side, so very soon, I will become a father, Wow! I'm happy [ He joyfully lifted her up]
MRS. WILLIAMS :I don't know what exactly to say right now, I'm just so happy.
MR. WILLIAMS :[ He dropped her down] This call for celebration
MRS. WILLIAMS :[ Excited] Yes...
[ They celebrated the good news
At night, Mrs. WILLIAMS has miscarriage and was rushed to the hospital]
Mrs Williams sat down alone with a bitter heart.
MRS. WILLIAMS :[ soliloquy] Hmm... What kind of life am I living? Or what is the essence of wealth without a child [ She lifted her eyes up] God, what I have done to deserve this unruly treatment? Why have you forsaken me? I know how many children my siblings has, God, you are parcial and this is unfair, [ Wept] Please , please I want you to silent all these insults, God please [ Wept bitterly] I need to see the pastor again. [ She went to meet the pastor in the church]
PASTOR :Let's pray[ They prayed] Hmm.. As I was praying, the holy spirit reveal to me that some years ago, you have offender an old woman
MRS. WILLIAMS :Old woman [ Trying to remember] Old woman... Pastor, I can't remember
PASTOR :The holy spirit is not a liar, you have to remember, in fact she's a barren.
MRS. WILLIAMS :Hmm... [ Trying to remember] Barren woman... Yes, yes... I have remember, this was what happened
One day, Mrs. Williams passed the front of an old woman's house and the old woman mistakenly pour dirty water on her body, Immediately, The old woman apologize for her action but the apology wasn't accepted.
MRS. WILLIAMS :[ Angrily] What! Are you blind? Hmm... I know your problem you this witchcraft, do you think you can send me to where you sent your unborn children, never, you cannot do it, you this shameless barren woman.
OLD WOMAN : My daughter, these words are too much
MRS. WILLIAMS : [Clapped in disgust]who is your daughter? [ She spilted on the old woman eyes and she left]
PASTOR: After, you've left, she cursed you that you will be barren for the rest of your life.
MRS. WILLIAMS :[ Shouted] I'm doomed, Pastor please help me.
PASTOR : What a pity, you've destroy your life with the use of your tongue, woman you need to fast and pray for God's mercy, I believe he will answer you, if only you believe.