#DAY 16
Anita, a beautiful girl from a wealthy family, she's well known for her arrogant attitude . One day, she had a bad day from an outing and walked angrily back to her room, parting all around, bringing others to the notice of her arrival.
ANITA:[Signs] "Oh my God, what is the boy taking me for?
VERA: Babe, what's the matter with you, you look disturbed [ Anita looked away to show a sign of not wanting to talk to anyone] Come on, dear talk to me[ approached and touched her]
ANITA:[ Yelled Angrily] Get out of my sight, leave me alone, I don't want to talk [ Shaking her body like a dog wagging its tail] where's my phone?
VERA:[ Tries to pick the phone from the table as Anita picked it up before her] Take it easy now.
[ Ife who has been busy with her book dropped her pen]
IFE: Anita baby, calm down and relax, Okay?
ANITA: [Angrily] This is bullshit...
VERA: So you should at least tell us what exactly is the cause of this, walking and screaming around like a wounded lion won't sort this.
ANITA:[ Sits] I have never been insulted my life have I lost my integrity or what, just imagine a pauper asking me, Anita Clement out for what?
[ VERA and IFE bursted into laughter at once]
ANITA: What's funny?
VERA: And who is that wretched thing that has lost his sight?
ANITA: Adeyemi Ayo or what does he calls himself?
VERA: [ Still laughing] And what was your reply?
IFE:[ Laughs out loud]
ANITA: Do you expect me to even stand and listen to him finish his story
IFE: Is not that good for nothing riff-raff I wonder what he's doing on campus. Being a conductor will be better for him[ Chuckles]
VERA: Seriously, this is an insult of the highest order we have to deal with this boy
IFE: Exactly!
ANITA: Yes, I have to teach him a lesson of his life.
Anita abused a lecturer in a lecture room and after the class, her Friends urged her to apologize but she disagreed
ANITA: Why will I apologise? I can't beg him, I can't just imagine that...
VERA: This is too much, Anita you have to apologies
ANITA: I don't know why I'm still standing here with you, Are you deaf? It's not in my dictionary, how can I stoop so low to beg that basterdised idiot? [ Everybody was amazed, She left that spot angrily without waiting for her friends and she drove off, while driving she has a fatal accident which crippled her for life. She stays with her parents]
MRS. CLEMENT: Anita, how I wish you could have listened to us, but, you are so full of yourself, have you see what your bad behavior brought you to?
MR. CLEMENT :Thank God, you have learnt your lesson [ He makes way for his room]
ANITA:[ Wept bitterly] I have learn my lesson.