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I'd like to take a stand,
Look whoever's got questions straight in the eyes,
Bang on my chest and confidently tell
him or her what I've set my eyes on becoming


As much as I'd like to,
I can't bring myself to take a stand against papa and mama
Since I owe them a lot.
My whole life came about because of them.


My ambition differs from Papa and mama's.
Papa prefers the Reverend title above every other,
He'd like to see me graduate from the seminary
Or journey round the world as a missionary,


Mama supports her husband too, but
unlike him, if Reverend won't suffice,
she'd like to see me in blue or white overall,
tending to the sick and happily responding to the title, 'doctor'.


I'd like to take a stand,
but how do I do that?
How do I tell Papa and mama that their
dream differs from mine?
How do I tell them I've set sight on something else?


Shall I abandon who I am because of them or
shall I continue to write about these elements
and hope that one day they'll see that I was made
to inspire the world through nothing but the strike of my pen.

©Akinwole John Akintayo

Prominent Member Admin
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Message well delivered!

Be consistent in the use of capitalizations. For example, Papa and Mama should always have the first letters in capitals.

Also, the number of syllables per line is inconsistent. 
