You'll be left in awe
When my legs lift up from the ground
And my limbs set out its wings
I'll soar high like the eagle
You'll open your mouth to the air
When I'll be called upon by the nations
A name that has never glanced through your ears
When I'll be at the top of the earth
You'll be disappointed like Barcelona
When I make a comeback with success
When all you could see are flying colours
Like the colours of the rainbow glowing in the sky
I'll leave your eyes watery
Tears will tear
And cries will cry
For I'll come in colours of the sky,
Beautiful and bright.
You'll speak no more mean of me
For I'll ride on wings of success
You'll say only good of me
For your eyes will glare at me in wonder
I'll grow wings and fly
Past your evil vision of doom
I'll stand on top of my voice
And make some noise in the sky
To get you tuned to my station of success
I will fly!
©Israel Onoruoiza et Aj Maverick
Nice poem marred by inconsistent rhythm. You can choose the free verse, it's no crime.