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Come nigh all ye that crave for unity
The night is here, let's dine in parity
We're not strangers, we all belong to humanity
Save your heart from grudges, let's live in liberty

Let the heavens be our witness 
Let the Sun say "I saw their kindness"
Our love for humanity and our oneness 
Let them hail our fitness and readiness

Now, we will say to the fast callings of war, no way
Then we part ways with violence and say nay
Every ear will hear the cry of another even when we're far away
Like unto Jacob and Esau, we will make peace in a day

Come now from every corner of the earth 
Leave behind all that will not honour our planet
Even your guns, beliefs and your faith
What we crave is here, so make haste.

From Africa down to our beloved Asia
People of Europe and the hoods of Australia 
Beloved brothers from north and south America
Be happy peace is for all, even our Antarctica

Light up your cities, for it is come
Bring out your cymbals and all your drums
For peace is here, let's all say a welcome
Come now and merry for we are now one home.

©Israel Onoruoiza

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Nicely written. Note, however, that peacemakers is a single word.

This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by Dr. Kennedy O. Obohwemu
