I choose to love you with my poetry
With the spell of each word
And the enchantment of each noun
I choose to laud you,
with distinct letters
Like a poem of divers sort
I choose to make an imagery
Of how bright you color my heart
With the warmth of your priceless care
I choose to love you loudly
In the lullaby of Angelic chants
By the humor of your countenance charms
I choose to dare my feelings to your care
And by no reason would I have a tear
For you safely rid my soul of all fear
I choose to love you truly
With the eloquent lips of poetry
For to love you is to love myself dearly
© Ganiyu Taofeek
Lovely piece!
Like a poem of divers sort
I believe the word should be 'diverse', not 'divers'.
In the lullaby of Angelic chants
The word angelic shouldn't begin with a capital letter.