I'm the messiah
That saved the hopeless soul
Console the wearied heart
And hand it to the claws of death
I'm a helper
That end the sorrow of a depressed heart
And fuel the whole body with sorrow
Then light up the body till it turns to ashes
I'm a decision
Which seems right to the hopeless
I'm taken by those who have given up
I'm taken by those who have lost all hope
I'm the evil that glares like the sun
The hopeless and the depressed seek my light
Its light at the end is darkness
That its rays light out sorrowful posthumous cries
I'm suicide
I lead lives from coal to fire
From depression to eternal regret
I'm the evil that comes like the saviour
I'm a wolf, that comes like a lamb
I'm just a light that its end is darkness
I'm suicide, the wrong decision of a wearied soul
I'm suicide, the evil that glows like a bright star
©Israel Onoruoiza
Very nice depiction of suicide. I think the title should have been, The evil that glows. Use of the word 'glares' looks ambiguous.