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Cries are blooming our ears
Tears are flowing down our eyes
Our hearts are mourning in agony
We are sick and down in acrimony

Blood is flowing on the ground
Flesh decays and taint the ground
The powerful tortures the weak
With no hope of an end, in every days of the week

What they call government becomes a mess
As they rule us with no heart of kindness
What was meant for us is now against us
They're mirage to our own circus

Agonizing to witness horde of persons
Treated like some pestilential eyesores
One breath is too cheap for the life-harvesters
Thousands of lives is not too cost for the warmongers

Our lamenting souls knows no hope
Of the end of the terrors ravaging our land
We're already dead in the heart before
Each strike will drop from their hands

We're now in a lawless state
Where death has build its own estate
Our cries haven't seen any sign of stoppage
This is the state of our anarchic page

©Israel Onoruoiza

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Israelonoruoiza

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

The structuring and grammatical elements in S2 are fundamentally flawed. Needs editing.
