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My heart was left ajar
I was starved from my own food
I was abandoned by my own shadow at the freight of the light
My barley of fear to love was brewed
©Segun Eyitayo

My presence is just a picture perfect
And my absence doesn't matter at all
Being alone at my own place
I laid down as innocent as a child
©Huda Tariq

I was terrified but your sight set my mood right
I was at the brim of shutting my door completely
When you told me not to dance in the rain for is cold
It's warm here as you wrapped me in your enfold
Low and behold I was skeptical to love again
© Segun Eyitayo

I am a part of you for you to take care of me
Living a time of my only moments i rely
Weakening my strength not bones to whom i belong
How long it has to take to make it all ok
Time taught me the route to impossible insanity
© Huda Tariq

I hope you know am here to console
Not little but give you my whole
I know what it is to walk in your shoes
Here I am not to play but to stay
Only if you give me the key to your heart
© Segun Eyitayo

The key to my heart has been lost and found
In a world full dark only lit can survive
With no desires to be fulfilled
I buried the heart of true love to rejoice the emptiness
© Huda Tariq



Member Customer
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 63

wrong forum?

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 862

Yeah, wrong forum.
