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Where To Perch?

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The black sky took to it heel,

The white one jogged and prevail,

Alas, another new dawn!

In it we begin a new horizon, 

Everyone hugged and dine, 

Beauty lies in the face of our home, 

We've fly too high and now we have to perch.


They have forgotten the hand that fed them, 

They forgot the glowing light can dim, 

They disappeared in their quest to search, 

Things to drink and things to munch,

Their residence glitters but home bushy, 

Too many pothole made their journey nasty,

We are always patience for they must perch in our wrist. 


We welcome another new beginning, 

For in it we will see our runaway children,

We await their presence as the day was near, 

They have money but they don't have a place to lean, 

Tell them house is different from home, 

They should make it better because it is a tree they must perch. 


Oh New Year, thanks for being this merry, 

It is the best moment when people love to marry, 

For our family can be whole during this season, 

Tell our indigenous visitors to reason, 

Beautiful your home by building houses,

And never forget you will perch as sky is not your eternal abode. 


©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi 

