Sitting in this magical place in the Winter land
Snow falling down like teardrops weakened by my soulful cries
Out of the huts of history is shame from a past that is rooted in pain
I have drown in the pot of oblivion.
I have no clue of what's ahead but as time passes by,the snow fades away to a bright sun shining day
Now I can see clearly and my fear is past
Oblivion drove me past many ocean and river to a lake of trust, love and respect
A love that comes from the lake to me so true and precious that I wish every woman should taste.
Birds sing when ever the lake drown me near
Swimming the lake
I have nothing to fear
The memories flood me and I hold it dear
The love and respect the lake has shown me takes me to a level that I wish every broken lady should experience.
© MusaOyiza Rahama
Well done. Let's note some errors:
S1L7: 'I have drown in the pot of oblivion'
The word be drowned, not drown.
S2L3: 'A bright sun shining day'
This is tautology. At best you can say 'A bright, sunny day'. Note the comma between bright and sunny.
There are other errors in the text. Please take your time to edit it.