The Lizard
At the dawn when darkness comes out thick,
Lurking figures stood erect and forgo the trick,
Blood is in the stomach but we spat out saliva,
Pretence lies in their wide smile, they are clever,
All lizard lies with their stomach,
We can not detect which really suffers from stomach ache.
Oh hen that eats my pot of grain!
I gave you shelter when its rain,
But at my back you connived with my foe,
And packed feces with my gracious hoe,
Your long beak does wonders in my absence,
But with it, you usher songs of praises when I arrive,
How do I detect your chameleon nature?
When you are a lizard with a confusing nature.
There are nights I cried in your arms,
The days I unravel my dark secrets,
Happiness filled your inside but your busted out in tears,
I thought you are my shield, and with you I have no fear,
How am I supposed to know this lizard is well,
When like others it rested its stomach on the wall.
When will the sun reveal their darkest part?
Those that painted lies and call it truth,
When will friends bear a significant mark,
And we will get a quick glimpse of enemy's smirk,
We hope their back will deceive their plight,
And we will detect sick lizards by the might of our sight.
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
Be consistent with your use of rhyming schemes.
Correct the following expressions:
All lizard lies with their stomach,
We can not detect which really suffers from stomach ache.