Boast of your iron fist
Your burning strenght
Your power to do as you say
Or do evil that gives joy to your heart
Let the smoke of the fire you set fill the earth
Let the flame grow wider that earth's sphere
Steal daily headlines with your greed and deeds
Let the media space be filled with the nuisance you caused
Days will come
When no one will be wearied of your greed
And your power will betray you when light goes off
Like the shadow unto men when darkness descend
The dark days are nigh
When your eyes will cease to see
When your limbs will move not again
And even your voice will fail to echo what's beneath
Days will come
When you will be remembered as once a king of Persia
Then, the worms are done with the beauty of your skin
And your strong bones decays to become mere muds
Days will come
It will be night in the morning, night afternoon, night everyday
And all that will be heard are gnashing of teeth and solos of regrets!
The days are nigh, not far as your mouth from your eyes.
©Israel Onoruoiza
Weldone sir.
Very nice!
Correct these errors:
S1L2: Your burning strenght (strength)
S2L2: Let the flame grow wider that (than) earth's sphere
okay sir, noted.