I was christened like everyone else
But my name changes with the season
And to all, I answer.
In class, I'm the horse
That can be forced to school but can't be
made to understand simple arithmetic.
On the soccer pitch, I'm the 'imbe'
An out of pity connotation for imbecile
because I cannot kick the air, let alone the ball.
I try my best every blessed day
To possess the skills of my peers
But I'm scared of pushing hard because of their trite.
When it's time for assessments
I'd sweat even in a cold room
Because of my peers' reproach instead of failure itself.
I may be the definition of the names they've given me
But no one tends to notice my prowess in some other things
They'd rather focus on my failures
and watch me suffer
as I drown in my weaknesses.
©Akinwole John Akintayo
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