I have seen God
not in the blurry grimace of the sky,
nor the loud fumes of the black cloud,
but after the departure of the sun,
in the beam of the evening light.
I have seen God
not in the sweet mouth of prophets,
but on the tongue of a changed thug
who has realised that life will explode one day like a rocket.
I have seen God,
not in the church,
but in the bloody streets with sturdy urchins,
wallowing on their feet to profess to their grave sins.
I have seen God,
not on the altar,
but in the shape of a storm,
deafening, threatening, but as harmless as the touch of a spider.
I have seen God,
not in damaging rains,
but in the rainbows after a heavy downpour,
reminding us of the covenant He made from those days.
I have seen God,
not in the deceitful prayers of a man
hoping for food while his eyes are shut deep in slumber,
But in the continuous efforts of a man who gathers fire, fully prepared for winter.
I have seen God when men put their hands short
denying you of measures that you're worth,
come with treasures from a divine source,
filling your lungs with deserved wants.
I've seen God,
He stays not in hollow hopes, behind sweet tongues or lazy thoughts,
but behind every good thought of a man put in action.
He saves not the good for the bad, nor the best for the worse,
but to each man as he's worth, in the right pieces and proportions.
© Aj Maverick
"Not in the sweet mouth of prophets..." (colloquial expressions like 'sweet mouth' should be in inverted commas)