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The freshness of the breeze, I felt
Darting my eyes left and right;
I saw the curtains dancing _bata,_
As the calenders swayed from side to side

The crickets that chirped went silent,
The breeze roared continuously,
Like hungry lions in their den;
In bed, I trembled.

I peeped through the window,
Eyes darting at all directions;
I saw the trees moving angrily,
As if they wanted to uproot themselves.

As the lightning flashed numerous times,
I squinted my eyes,
Looking far away;
Wires had been disconnected from poles.

Nature went totally annoyed;
Many waters clapped on my roof,
I had forgotten my underwears outside,
"Oh!" I exclaimed.

On wrapper, I went out,
Not bothered it was loosely tied.
Full my hands became,
Trying to go in with my clothes.

Nature stripped me naked,
Littered the ground with my underwears;
I bent to pick my items,
Only for my neighbor, Olu, to glue his eyes on my body.

"Imbecile!" I abused,
Thinking he'd shift his gaze away;
Like a statue, he looked on with parted lips,
Spit slowly dropping from his mouth.

He was an imbecile anyway,
One who had asked me out.
I looked to run past him,
Only for him to grab me from behind.

Help I cried out for,
Help came from nowhere;
Olu had done more damage than nature,
On the ground he laid, shaking like an epileptic victim.


Victor Apata

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