Sorrowful Days
The mid ray sun reflect at the side of my cheek,
We await sun rise since it's already dusk,
At the bridge between, I shall make a stand,
To make a tight fist so you won't see my waist bead,
I walked you through the clumsy morning,
I sang with you the song you love singing,
But today I will betray my heart and cause it not to feel.
For the days you made me clutch on empty sheet,
For the good night messages that brought tears,
They were cruel, so like a bird I crawl to my nest,
For all the cheats you do leaving glaring traces,
They did hurt but now you've build my heart,
I shall let this sonorous song suit my mistakes,
The mistake of staying, the guilt for letting myself get hurt.
Meditating on how you rest your head on my breast,
The sweet moan when I caress your loins,
The sweetness when I unravel your beast,
I know this sweet memories you would miss,
I shall take them with me and drop those that hurt,
You may drink late at night but now I won't have to wait,
And then you will desire my sight.
How difficult it was living with you,
The days I sleep at the bed edge,
How lonely it was being in love,
Because there wasn't you, I was in it alone,
How would you feel when you find out I'm gone,
I bet miserable, for you think I will always be home.
At the start when the stars twinkle at our faces, it was beautiful,
Was it a lovely start or I didn't just see? Now I am doubtful,
I won't care anymore for the days ahead are faithful,
You cheated on love, you were ungrateful,
When the harsh ray of reality wake you, you shall hope you were thankful,
I won't still care cause days with you were sorrowful.
©Yusuf Muyibat Avosuahi
Nicely written. Still having issues working those tenses and pluralisations?