I got tired!
The same old music turned me astray
And now I walk away like nothing happened.
Tired of the same name always when there are varieties to chose from.
Tired of sitting and planting one tree when I could've planted a whole forest.
I got tired!
The same old look made me exhausted,
I gave up and I did the walk
Cause I knew how being chased away felt like.
Yes I got tired!
Tired of waiting patience to pay me
Yet on the ground patience could not be located
You see, I got tired!
That explains why my pens ink rarely...
Cause the book got tired of the same old tears
And now the mind just couldn't trace how to get up.
I got tired!
Tired of you and I pretending to be in love
When all we wanna do is throw each other away.
I just couldn't wait to be thrown out
I just got tired!
I'm sure if you were in my shoes, you would understand
How much tired one can get just to give up the fight!
A Review of John's "I Got Tired"
The personae in this poem frustrated after putting hope in a number of things gets fed up and is at the verge of giving up.
The personae, we see, mentions quite a number of things that go the opposite of the intended. The relationship of the personae sits as the chief source of his frustration, the personae remarks thus: "Tired of you and I pretending to be in love". The spillover result include: the personae's lack of muse in writing, and general dissatisfaction with everything that were once appealing.
The personae ends by showing justification for his state of tiredness, the personae remarks thus: "I am sure if you were in my shoes, you would understand".
The subject matter of the poem is frustration. The themes include: anger, worry etc.
Lawal Eneye.