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In a cool evening when birds are back to their nest and everyone back from work. There are little Children sitting outside with an elderly person giving them folktales and narrating so many stories of the past to the Children under the Moon light. I was lieing down in my bed beside me is my window where I peep at the Children from inside. Still on the coverage, something came into my mind it's about my career. I was thinking back then when I use to say I want to the this I want to be are the thoughts.

Give me a light to shine upon the world
was my anthem, my dad was weary of that
Give me justice let me give my people
my mum couldn't help

I promised that I will rule the world
My ambition is give life to my word
But in my country, where lives are played like games
Where destinies are held like chess
They played with and lost..

This thought keep on rolling my mind, now i'm not looking outside anymore, I shut my Windows to think about life.

Life greatest mockery is this:
Children are the leaders of tomorrow.
I'm growing old but i think it's a dream

Adults who have grown old,
Manipulating and still ruling the young
With weak hearts and in a life support
Walking with dry bones and yelling with old tongues

Here are the Children chopping their dreams
Whatever goes out of a poor kid is just but a mockery
When dreams of being a doctor turns to tailoring
When dreams of being a lawyer turns to teacher

Dreams are killed and buried,
with no hope of the saviour's help
Will our case be unto Lazarus?
Is there any hope?
Help Saviour!

©Israel Onoruoiza

Member Customer
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 51

This work is good. Carries a real interesting story and nice style of writing. Keep it up.

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Joined: 6 years ago
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Thanks sir.

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Joined: 6 years ago
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Thanks Dude 
